I would have to say this is my 2nd favorite cake so far. It was made for 2 little boys who are one year apart. So one was celebrating his 1st and the other his 2nd. Everything about this one turned out exactly like I wanted it to. The bottom sheet cake is Chocolate Fudge with a Peanut Butter Filling. The Barn and the haystack were chocolate chip cake. Everything covered in vanilla buttercream except the roof of the barn and it was chocolate buttercream. All animals were made from fondant. They turned out so cute. The tractor, fence, and Little Farmer were the only things non edible. I had soooo much fun doing this cake. The smash cake was also chocolate chip with chocolate buttercream filling. I got to see the pictures of the little boy and he was all over the smash cake. It was the cutest thing. I hope I can do something like this one again.
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